• AVLA.net - IT Solutions for Business

Privacy alert: Change this setting in Edge, now
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There’s a setting in Edge that sends the images you view online to Microsoft. We give you all the details.

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Browse with confidence: Microsoft Edge’s security boost
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We explain how Microsoft Edge is introducing some new security-boosting features to help you stay one step ahead.

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Now AI can make your Teams meetings more productive
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Microsoft Teams Meeting Recap will summarize your meetings and even make a list of the action points. We show you its other benefits

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Stop! And think, before you act on that email
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Don’t fall victim to cyber criminals. We explain what a BEC attack is and how to protect your business.

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Is your business data at risk? Don’t take chances with old tech
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Old computers and external drives can put your sensitive business data at risk.
We tell you how to dispose of them in the safest way possible.

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Back up your data! One day it could save your business
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Backing up your data is one of the strongest precautions…

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Here’s how cyber criminals try to hack your accounts while you sleep
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Have you ever received a notification on your phone while you’re sleeping, asking if it’s really you logging in?
It’s called a fatigue attack and Microsoft Authenticator’s latest feature will help to protect you.

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The final curtain call for Windows 10: What you need to know
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Microsoft has announced there will be no new feature updates for Windows 10 so maybe it’s time to upgrade to Windows 11. Our latest video will help you make up your mind.

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Windows 11 optional update: Why it’s better to wait
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Microsoft has just announced an option for people to trial new features before their general release in Windows 11. This isn’t about fixes to security flaws – everyone gets those at the same time. This is an opportunity for businesses to jump the queue to receive new features and updates first. Sound exciting? Yes! Worth the risk? Not quite. Our …
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Can your business go green by switching to the cloud?
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Cloud computing has quickly become a popular option for businesses that want to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and become more flexible. But are you swayed by the idea that cloud services are automatically better for the environment? Could the need to do your bit ‘cloud’ your decision-making? Sorry. Bad pun. It’s true that cloud services have environmental benefits compared …
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